About Me

            First, I’d like to thank you for reading my blog, because it truly means a lot to me. Now a little about me:

            I’ve been writing stories since I was nine years old. I used to want to be a professional story-teller, but when I realized that wasn’t a real job, I decided that I could just write them down instead (I was also doing well on my essays, so figured I was good at writing). I’ve always had a love for stories and a vivid imagination. My dream is to become a novelist, but in the meantime, I’m maintaining this blog, while doing many other writer things.
            I received a Bachelor’s in English, as well as a Sociology minor, from Azusa Pacific University, and then a MFA in Creative Writing from Chapman University. My time and experience has taught me much about writing and story-telling, but I am ever learning.

            Just to state it clearly, I am a Christian, and a bit of a feminist, because I believe in the equality of all people. My Mission Statement in life and as a writer is: “To love others by showing them their intrinsic value as human beings.” 

            Words are incredibly important to me, and I marvel at how much they can affect people and whole societies, which is why this blog has stayed so important to me. It's the best way I know how to reach people with my words.

            Thank you again for your support. 

Some fun facts about me:
Vatican City

  • I’m a cat person (such a cliché writer thing, right?)
  • I really like big dogs (little dogs scare me)
  • I spend way too much time with animals (but I don’t mind)
  • I’ve been to six countries – U.S., Mexico, Italy, France, Spain, and England
  • I lived in Rome for three months while studying abroad (I stayed in a convent with Spanish-speaking nuns)
  • I get inspired to write whenever it rains
  • Though other writers may prefer alcohol or drugs, I believe chocolate helps me write, and I consume it in either liquid or solid form whenever I blog or work on a story
  • I believe chocolate cures writer's block
  • When I’m not blogging, I’m a Romance writer (I’m in love with love in all of its forms)
  • I think my middle name is very pretty