“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.”
J.M. Barrie,
Peter Pan

It’s a very
charming example, but the word “faith” also reminds me of my crazy philosophy professor
from my freshman year of college (are all philosophy teachers crazy?). I remember that he said everyone has faith, and that doesn’t
necessarily mean faith in a higher power, religion, etc. He said we have faith
that the chairs we are sitting on will hold us up. If we didn’t have faith in
our chairs to perform their function, we wouldn’t sit in them. His example
always stuck with me, because whenever most people talk about faith, they mean
faith in God, which is why so many atheists say they have no faith. But there are many kinds of faith - faith in a
person, in believing that everything will work out, in a higher power or things
beyond our control. This is the kind of faith I want to address in this post.
One of my biggest
pet peeves is when people try to describe faith by simply saying things like, “I just have faith; I just know/believe; Trust that things will
work out.” There’s no reasoning behind their faith – it just is what it is. No proof needed. I’m a very rational person. I overthink and overanalyze the heck
out of everything. I don’t like taking anything at face value, and I know I’m
not the only person like this. If you ask a rational person to have faith in
something, no matter who or what it is, they won’t be compelled by the phrase, “Just
have faith.”

Through my
readings, a few key words kept popping up - trust, confidence, assurance,
belief, hope and action. I think a good starting point is with belief, which is
interrelated with faith, but not the same thing. On the website New Creeations, Chris Cree gives some
very simple and clear definitions of these words, such as belief – “An opinion
or judgement in which a person is fully persuaded.”

Faith is
something much deeper than taking a risk without complete certainty. In my
Bible Study group, I met a friend who shared a similar experience with me. She
had come away from her faith in God and Catholicism, but discovered that the
more knowledge she gained about God and her religion, the stronger her faith
grew. It was the same with me. When people start questioning
and doubting their religion, they lose faith because they believe that doubt cannot coexist with faith. Whenever these people come back to their faith
through all the doubt, questioning, and discovery, their faith is so much stronger. Knowledge and evidence
increase faith. The more knowledge you have, the more you are certain either
that something is true, or something is not true.
knowledge increases faith, faith does not come from knowledge or evidence. Belief
is based on evidence, but faith goes deeper. Carl Sagan, an atheist and author,
said, “Faith is believing in something in the absence of evidence.” One of the definitions Dictionary.com gives for faith is, "belief
that is not based on proof.” This sounds like blind faith, which is, “belief
without true understanding, perception, or discrimination.”

biblical definition of faith is found in Hebrews 11:1 (NIV), “Now faith is
confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” In Jim
Haeffele’s article, “What is faith?” he explains that in the New Testament, the
word faith is translated from the Greek work pistis. This word has to do with
belief and trust. Haeffele says faith is confidence, belief and trust in what we hope for.
Cree explains
it similarly, “Faith = ( Belief + Action + Confidence ).” Time for some
definitions that will bring us full circle. Cree defines confidence as, “Trust
that is based on knowledge or past experience… Basically confidence is a
measure of how firmly we hold to a particular belief.” According to Dictionary.Com, trust is, “firm belief
in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” We’ve
already established that belief is an opinion backed with some kind of evidence
or experience. Hope is, “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain
thing to happen.; a feeling of trust.”
What all
these definitions come down to is that faith starts with belief. Then, faith
cannot exist without confidence, the strength of that belief. To have that
strength, you need trust. Trust is the belief in the truth or reliability of
someone or something. Lastly, it all ends with hope. Faith is what happens when
you bring belief and hope together with strength and certainty. Imagine cooking
– you mix in some experience, some knowledge, even a little doubt, a lot of
certainty, and the main ingredient is hope.
To bring in
Cree’s last variable to the equation, your faith should produce action. In the
cooking analogy, you need action to pour in the ingredients. He says, “Faith
includes our beliefs, but it is bigger than that. Faith requires action. If it
doesn’t move us to do something or say something – actually take some kind of
action – it’s not really faith at all.” Remember the example of the girl jumping through a hole so her dad could catch her? She believed her dad would catch her, because he was probably strong. She trusted him, because he probably hadn't broken many promises. She had enough confidence in him to finally take action and jump. Cree says, “When
we believe the truth with enough confidence to take action we exercise faith.”
Dictionary.Com - faith, blind faith, trust, hope
I appreciate you sharing Cree, he seems to know a lot about what it means to be hopeful. It's difficult to have faith especially when we live in a world where we are encouraged to "hope for the best" but "prepare for the worst." Could you expand on what it means to you to have faith but also be prepared? If you have faith in a chair, when you sit you aren't preparing for it to buckle under your weight, hence why we would fall if it did (because we don't brace ourselves in case it won't hold). So in this case being prepared to fall seems to be the opposite of having faith that it will support you. Strangely this doesn't seem to be how the real world works though. Much of our faith that our future will work out fine comes from the fact that we do prepare, we save money, invest in education, put money away for retirement. So in this case It's almost as if we have faith that things will always go wrong and therefore prepare against it. How would you reconcile these seemingly contradictory viewpoints? (I guess maybe one answer is that we all just have blind faith that our furniture will be able to hold that extra breadstick we had at 3am the night before)
ReplyDeleteYou go in depth about how to move forward with the anecdote of the leap of faith, but I'd like to hear your thoughts about dealing with past hardships. One of the biggest challenges of faith (not necessarily the spiritual kind) is when things don't turn out the way you had hoped, or in other words a type of loss. After having lost someone myself, even though I have confidence that my life will move on, it is difficult to stay optimistic that future events will work to my favor (this is usually where those people would insist I should "just have faith"). I am not a pessimist, but I often find it difficult to believe my faith has any effect on anything else when what happened in the past, what was truly important, didn't end how I had hoped.
You haven't written in a month. Although I trust that you will share another of your blogs with us soon, it wouldn't be real faith unless I took the action of asking you to start writing again. Here's to hoping you return; you're a good writer. Best wishes
Thank you for your comment. I really appreciate it, and that last bit about hoping I return to blogging means a lot to me.
DeleteI think you bring up an interesting point about faith and preparedness. As for the example with the chair, having faith doesn't make something true, it just means you truly believe it's true. If you have faith in a chair to support you, and it breaks, then the chair has failed you in your faith of it. This usually leads you to be more skeptical and less faithful of other chairs. I think overall, the idea of faith and preparedness being contradictory is not true. I touch on that in a different way in the blog. Some people believe faith is belief without evidence, but that's blind faith. Evidence and knowledge increase faith. Thus, preparedness increases faith too. But just like evidence and knowledge can decrease faith, so can preparedness depending on the situation.
When it comes to dealing with past hardships, well, this can relate to the chair too. You had faith in something being a certain way, but that didn't happen, so you lost your faith. It's really hard to come back from that, and it's easy to believe that you won't ever get what you hoped for, whether its new hopes or old ones. So, there are two things you can do: if you think your faith has no effect, then just forget about it and live your life day to day with no expectations; But, if you want to increase your faith, then you need to work on trusting and believing again. I'm sorry for your loss, though I don't the nature of it, but it already seems like you are moving in a good direction by having the confidence that your life will move on. It seems like you still have hope, which is essential to faith, so don't lose that.
Thank you again for the comment.
Very well said! I love this topic and the way you broke it down! The way you explained all these definitions, ideals and common conceptions was flawless! And even your response above helps expand my perception of this topic.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the above commentor -- you are a very good writer. Thanks for coming back to us.